• Australia Based
  • 100+ Years Experience
  • Telecom and Power Specialists
  • 24/7 Australia-based Service Desk
  • Dedicated Longterm Partner
  • Australia Based
  • 100+ Years Experience
  • Telecom and Power Specialists
  • 24/7 Australia-based Service Desk
  • Dedicated Longterm Partner

UT526 Multifunction Electrical Meter


Shipping time: 2-3 day(s)



  • CATIII 300V
  • Large quality LCD display
  • Simple robust design
  • Insulation testing can be performed at 250V, 500V, and 1000V
  • RCD testing at 10mA, 30mA, 100mA, and 300mA
  • Continuity to 2000Ω
  • AC Voltage measurement to 440V.